How To Get Your Garden Spring-Ready - Coventry Homes Edmonton

How To Get Your Garden Spring-Ready

As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers – and we are definitely ready for some blooms in our city!

May long weekend has become the unofficial marker for many gardeners in Edmonton to start planting their blooms. Why May long weekend? Some feel that we’re in the clear from any frost or snow by this date (fingers crossed that theory holds true!). To kick off the gardening season we’ve put together some key tips that will have your home’s yard looking like spring has finally sprung!

Prepare Your Tools

Pull out all your gardening tools (including your lawn mower) and give them a good cleaning with soap and water. Next, check to see if your tools require any sharpening – digging and pruning will be easier if your tools are sharp. Also, test your lawn mower and any other power tools you have to ensure they are in working order.

Spring Clean Up

Winter tends to leave behind a bit of a mess. Take a day to prepare your yard and garden for the season by doing an overall clean up. Begin by raking your grass, clearing any weeds that have started to grow, and pruning your shrubs. If you have any perennials that are overgrown, this is when you can divide them up and prepare them for transplant. Taking the time do pre-gardening prep will make gardening much more enjoyable, and will give your home’s exterior a kept look. Also, don’t forget about your pots! They need to be cleaned and prepped just like the rest of your garden.

Show Your Soil Some Love

Soil is the most important component of your garden. It’s the foundation to having healthy and vibrant plants throughout the season. After you’ve completed the initial weed clearing, give your soil a good rake to break it all up. This is a great time to add some compost to the mix. Tip: If you don’t have compost, try mixing in some used coffee grounds into your soil. The used coffee grounds will add a layer of organic material into the soil, which will improve drainage, increase the soil’s ventilation, and help keep slugs from munching away at your plants.

Try Adding Mulch

The addition of mulch to your garden will do a lot of great things for your plants. One of the biggest benefits of mulch is that is will help cool the roots of your plants, and in turn, they will require less water. Mulch will also help prevent weeds from growing, while giving your soil an extra boost of nutrients as it breaks down.

Choose Your Plants

Planning the type plants you want in your garden ahead of time will save you hours of wandering around garden the centre. Not sure what plants will work best for your garden? Visit a local nursery and ask a professional. They can help you decide between perennial flowers and annuals – plus a whole lot more.

Dreaming of a bigger yard for your green thumb? Visit our showhome listings page to explore some of the best real estate options in Edmonton! Our expertly designed Coventry Homes are available in a variety of sizes and are located in many of our city’s most desirable communities. Contact us today for more information about our new homes!

Published May. 15, 2017


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